
Making sure that your Estate is in Order

DocsForKeeps is a company and an idea born out of personal experience. The loss of a loved one, before their time, can be a heartbreaking time in the life of the people left behind. What is disturbing though, is how often assets or insurance policies are lost and never claimed. Unknown bank accounts, money owed by business partners, insurance policies which would pay off loans and mortgages. Now there is a way.

Our Company

DocsForKeeps Software Inc.

A company registered in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. A company created by people who came together through a common cause to provide information when people needed it the most. We chose to make this a free service so that people would use it - and get others to use it. Our expectation is to fund this site through donations, extended services and the addition of advertising so that the site will be sustainable for ever.


Your Privacy is our Priority

Your email address or any information you enter into DocsForKeeps will never be provided to anyone other than who you have specified. Any information you enter into DocsForKeeps is only viewable by you or other people you have setup as your personal users. You are the master of your information. No information will be sold or provided to any outside agency, ever.

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Integrity and Security

The computers we use for our web site and the DocsForKeeps application are owned by us and are in a locked cabinet accessable only by us. We only run DocsForKeeps on our computers - and our sophisticated software, which was originally designed to support online financial websites has advanced security measures to keep your information secure. Every piece of information you store on DocsForKeeps in encrypted using advanced security software from Microsoft.

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Information Management

Many of us at DocsForKeeps have many years of experience in the design, development and support of advanced Information Mangement Systems. We are using this experience to ensure that DocsForKeeps is easy to use and provides the information you need, when you need it. And, to make sure that that information is available for your loved ones in the event of your sever illness or death.

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Growing Company with Fresh Ideas

We're excited about this service and what it means to people. We have lots of ideas for how to make this site better, new ideas for information to capture and ways in which your legacy can life on either through facilities like an online living will registery or automatic donations to your favorite charity as part of your will. Send us your ideas on how our site can be improved and services which you would find valuable.

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“Thank you so much for providing this service - I don't know how you do it, but I love it!”

-Mary Smith